September 21, 2006

School Has Begun

I have been sitting here trying to decide what to write about, but nothing came to mind. It's probably because the school year has begun. Since we are both teaching new grades and taking classes, we don't have much time to do anything exciting (or unexciting) that is blog-worthy. We are planning to go to McBain this weekend, so hopefully we can report back on that on Monday.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure as your classes get going you'll have fun things to write about your school kids. I look forward to hearing about McBain too. I miss you guys! Swac

Chris & Becca said...

Hope you have a fun, relaxing weekend in McBain. I was telling Becca this morning it has been a while since we're seen you guys. Hope we can get together sometime. I'll have to call you next week when you're back.

Nicole said...

Hey guys! I hope school is starting well for you guys. Jared, how is 1st grade treating you? Susan, how is it going with the new school district? We miss you guys! I took a last minute trip to Michigan to see my parents last weekend. I was going to try to give you guys a call, but then I ran out of time. It looks like you were in McBain anyway. Hopefully we can see eachother soon.